Friday 19 August 2011

Why am I not an Iron Man yet?

Oh the struggles we face, I went back down to the pool last night, I got in a half hour earier so that I could get my £3.60's worth

I noticed that after about half hour in the pool I still wasn't up to Iron Man standard, is it just me that when they start to exercise/train they want the results to be as quick as the decision to start exercising/training, hey come on now I started a whole half hour ago why am I not Arnold Swarchenegger yet?

I made some real progress yesterday despite my moans, after making some changes to my breathing pattern and starting to actually kick with my legs when I swam, I was swimming pretty much non-stop for the whole hour and a half, I must have done well over 400 meters, I have to admit that I did get a bit disheartened though when 3 Iron Man triathletes got into the pool fully kitted in Iron Man class wetsuits, goggles and caps and wondered why I couldn't keep up with their pace, I think I overheard one of them say at the end that they had done over 2.2km already

It was the second day of training on my own due to Dani being ill, not that I have that much time to stop and talk during training but it's good to have someone with you to let you know where you're going wrong and provide motivation

I got up this morning ready for the gym but my body told me that a day of rest would be good for me, I was feeling a little tight and thought it would good to let me body recover a little before putting it through anything else

We've also got family over this weekend so training is going to have to fit around them as well, but I figured as long as I get up early enough, it won't get in the way too much

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