Friday 5 August 2011

...More like once a week

Ok so again I’ve not been blogging and I’m soon to be going on holiday where I’m probably going to be blogging even less

So last you heard i was picking myself up after a slump of no fitness, well i'm back on track and feeling the push towards TRIATHLON

Went swimming twice yesterday, once in the Newport pool and then again later at the wolverton pool both are 33 1/3 meters long but Wolverton is outside, Brrr!!!

I must have done another 200 meters worth of swimming before we realised what I’ve been doing wrong and why I am finding swimming any distance a struggle while others around me are completing 400+ meters with ease, I mean it's not like I’m unfit or I’m carrying too much extra weight, it was down to floatation and swimming horizontally

Now I know what you are going to say (why aren’t you blogging anymore? No not that the other thing… Oh how the hell were you swimming then if not horizontally? Yeah that one) well I think I was swimming diagonally, my legs where deep in the water not doing very much and when trying to turn my head to breath I would always take in lots of water, then I would cough, splutter, hold my breath as best I could, panic and eventually stop half way across and breathe again and then hold my breath and quickly panic swim to the other side and wonder why I was finding it so damn hard all the time

But with my new way of swimming I’m finding that I could easily swim about 100 meters or more (Note: because of time in the pool I didn’t have time to swim 100 meters or more horizontally as we figured out my diagonal swimming problem about 2 minutes before having to get out, D’oh!)

Been keeping up with some strength training in the gym as well, so now I’m all excited again about my triathlon but I’m about to have a week on a relaxing barge holiday, I’m planning on going for some runs as well to keep exercising

Till next time

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