Friday 15 July 2011

Duathlon Completed!

Well I did it!

I’m quite happy with my times just not very impressed with my position, Out of 108 I came in at 93
It was a lot tougher than just doing the runs but I feel again that I have learnt a lot from doing it by myself this time

So I got to the venue all ready to go, I had my Niteworks made and my Quickspark to hand, the problem was that I didn’t have any way of securing my drinks bottle with H30 in it to my bike, so I knew that this was going to be fairly exhausting on my body

The first run went well I felt that I had a good pace, I didn’t just shoot off like I did last time, I was still getting overtaken by people and again I find it to be the most demoralising feeling to see people just running past you when you are trying your hardest to keep up, but I guess that will just come with race experience

Onto the bike next and I felt quite good about my transition time, I managed to take a couple of gulps of H30 before setting off, because my legs were shaking trying to get them into the pedals was a bit of a challenge but once they were in I was off round the main Silverstone track, while remaining focused at all times I did let the child in me come out when passing the grand prix finish line by pretending to win, putting my hands in the air and cheering (I done this on every lap, there were 5 laps)

I found the second transition much harder, I could feel my legs cramping up and I knew if I stopping moving my legs they were going to go and I wouldn’t be able to complete the second run, so keeping my legs flopping about while putting my bike back and gulping down some more H30, I started the second run

This was the worst feeling, my legs were cramping up and I had to try and just run it off, I started pretty much jogging slowly trying to stretch out my muscles, I got into a fairly comfortable pace half way round and eventually completed the course

I would like to thank my support team again, this time it was Pops, Pam and Dani, these people took time out of their evenings, to stand and wait for me, watching proper athletes, thank you so much for coming, I appreciate your time, I hope you didn’t get too bored

And lastly where were you Brian? Get back on the bike and get your running shoes ready and I’ll see you on the 2nd August

1 comment:

  1. You did such a good job!!!! Was great to watch you and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do at the next one! I guess we need to put our training shoes on! You'll probably find some people at the Herbalife meeting on Sunday who can give you some useful advice. David could certainly help with the muscle buildingside of it! You should be seriously proud of yourself...didn't walk once!! x
