Thursday 19 May 2011

My first post


This is my first post of my first and only blog, in this blog i am goinng to write about my own personal experiences and ideas, i have had many ideas and most of them haven't panned out that the way that i first hoped, one time i wanted to learn Japanese, it lasted about a day, okay 10 minutes of a day but anyway i have recently thought about maybe starting training for a triathlon

Why a triathlon i hear you ask, well i asked myself the very same question, my current lifestyle consists of sitting at my desk at work and then coming home and sitting on my sofa so i wanted a change and wanted to do something a bit more active, i've never really been into sports, any of them, but i did used to cycle, to work, because i couldn't drive at that point and there wasn't a bus, you get the idea

So why a triathlon? Well i thought i can run, i can swim and i can cycle so why not go for it, it's only a longer distance in all three isn't it? Well thats what i'm going to find out

I'm going to first start running and i'll go from there

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