Monday 6 June 2011

Lazy days

No excuses, just didn't do much on the weekend
Went for a short walk but it was with an ice cream in hand so but going out of the house i was probably worse off

Was going to go swimming again this morning but a late night last night stopped that

I've been reading the 220 Triathlon magazine and started following them on twitter (@220triathlon)

There seems to be quite a good comradery with all the triathletes and some quite inspiring stories of older people giving up smoking and drinking to get fit and healthy again

I also started reading a new book by Luigi Gratton called 'Keep It Simple' (i can't seem to find it on amazon to give you a link but here's the ISBN no. 978-0980171105)

It's a really clear book on understanding what our bodies need in regards to nutritional value of foods and calories that are empty and ones that are nutrient full, it puts the book into 7 stepped chapters

I'm only on page 30 odd but i'll let you know how it goes

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