Thursday 16 June 2011

Tuesday Wednesday, Fitball Walk

Went to fitball again on Tuesday, there was another trainer this time and if last time was a walk in the park (which it wasn't) this was a mountain hike

I knew the moment we walked in and there were groaning noises from the regulars

It went well though, this class was more about stamina rather than balance and she worked us hard

Forgot to take an isotonic drink with us though which we could have done with


Wednesday we were supposed to go swimming again but got up too late so after dinner me and Dani went on a long walk, i haven't mapped it out yet on mapmyrun but i think we went quite far

Thanks to my trainers and socks i didn't get any blisters though which i am quite happy about

I did manage to drink over 2 litres of water yesterday as well, i normally struggle with my water intake

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the water :-) The walk was fun! power walking for 2 hours we must have burnt a good amount of calories!!

    I definitely agree that the H30 Pro drink would have been a good idea at the fitball class!!

    Keep it up! x
