Wednesday 29 June 2011

Training cancels swim

Mondays Gym session went well as well, i did some more muscle strength training like the chiropractor said, heavy weights with low reps of 6-8

I've thought of many excuses as to not to get up early and go swimming so i thought i would get up early and write my blog to show that i have got up early but due to a circuit training at the gym last night I'm not sure my swimming arms will be up to much, I'll need to look into swimming a bit later today if i can

I'd never done circuit training sessions before and you really feel great afterwards, okay you feel like it would be easier to curl up in a ball in the corner and not speak to anyone in a while, but once the ache goes you really feel that you've had a good workout

I've got confirmation that my new bike will be delivered today and my tri-suit as well should also be here today, it's like my own mini Christmas, you know without all the going to church and praying... do people still do this?

Happy bike and tri-suit xmas to me, i hope you all get your new bikes today as well

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